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When you're tempted to sell.......Views: 608
Dec 21, 2006 5:20 pmWhen you're tempted to sell.......#

Althea Garner

I bet that when you first looked at Ryze, you thought "Great.... here's an incredible place to sell!"

At first you sat there and looked at it, wondering where to start, but then the Selling Bug got a hold of you and led you directly to the Private Message area, where you started sending sales messages to any name that you could find.

It wasn't long before you realized that you could save time, by cutting and pasting your sales message, until Oops! you got that message that warned you that 3 messages with the same content is considered Spam!

Still, undaunted (and feeling a little smug in your sneakiness), you realized that if you changed each cut and pasted message you could still reach hundrends of people a day!

Don't worry, this is where most Ryzers start out, but it IS wrong and it does earn people a bad reputation, so I am here to let you know how it SHOULD be done!

First.... go to Preferences and UNLOCK your Guest Book! I don't know why Ryze starts everyone out with a locked Guest Book, but they do!

Believe me, you will DROWN in Ryze notifications in your e-mail In-box! In the Preferences area, there are check boxes that allow you to receive notifications. Decide which notifications you want and turn all others off.

Then.... make sure that your personal Ryze Home Page is attractively laid out and has all the information about you that a prospect will need. You will want to include some compelling reasons why a person should buy from you. Make it easy for people to do business with you... don't make them take the long walk through several web sites in order to get to know you!

Now you are ready to step into the world of Networks! Click on the Networks tab and look through some of the randomly listed networks and join those that you feel have some significance in your life.

Don't join so many that it will be a chore to keep up with them, but maybe 5 or 6 is a good start!

Now... HERE'S THE SECRET - READ THE RULES of that network FIRST!
Introduce yourself to the new network - be polite... remember that you are in someone else's 'home' and ensure that in your post, you are abiding by their rules.

Respond to the posts of others, perhaps adding a different perspective, but ensure that you are allowing others the priviledge of their own opinions.

Ask questions!

ABOVE ALL.... DON'T SELL! Your network posts should allow others to get to know you and if they are interesting, people will automatically want to know more and they will ask. That is when you know that you have 'made it' on Ryze!

Happy Ryzing!

ALTHEA GARNER (Star Real Estate)

Search over 38,000 homes at my web site: http://www.OCSTAARZ.COM

Remember... I am NEVER too busy for your referrals!

Private Reply to Althea Garner

Dec 21, 2006 7:54 pmre: When you're tempted to sell.......#

Anthony McMurray


This is excellent info!

Now, if we can just get this to everyone on Ryze and get them to follow it.

Now, I'm not whining but on my second day back to Ryze I already had two "offshore" companies selling me on their services.

You mentioned the Preferences but didn't mention the "block user" feature. (I figure it's best to use this feature than to send a message back to the spammer voicing how I truly feel) :)

I still think it all boils down to getting to know people, I would do business with someone I saw posting and that new what they were doing before I would do business with someone that was spamming me and telling me how great they are.

Private Reply to Anthony McMurray

Dec 21, 2006 8:09 pmre: re: When you're tempted to sell.......#

Althea Garner

Thank you, Anthony!

If it's any consolation, I learned this lesson by experience! You see, I was one of those new Ryzers who had NO CLUE what she was doing and at that time (four years ago) there was not much in the way of 'help'.

As a result of my PM'ing other members (what I now see was pure unadulterated Spam!), my Ryze membership was suspended for three days.

It might encourage others to know that the very first person who blocked me, was Adrian Scott (founder of Ryze), so when I offer advice as to how things SHOULD be done, believe me, I learned the hard way!

Oh, and BTW.... you might notice that apart from my signature block, I never advertise my business either!

ALTHEA GARNER (Star Real Estate)

Search over 38,000 homes at my web site: http://www.OCSTAARZ.COM

Remember... I am NEVER too busy for your referrals!

Private Reply to Althea Garner

Dec 21, 2006 8:24 pmre: When you're tempted to sell.......#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
Althea, that is excellent information. I can only hope that the members here pay attention. I also fell into that trap when I first joined ryze, except what I did was constantly post to the various advertising networks and nowhere else. I learned pretty quickly that doing that was not a good use of time for me.

DeAnna Spencer
DeAnna Spencer's Virtual Assistant Service

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Dec 21, 2006 10:21 pmre: re: When you're tempted to sell.......#

Dana Neal
I must say I didn't advertise. I didn't know how. I still fall into the "where do I and who do I market to trap" (I know don't ask)...my goals for the next year put me in a different frame a mind..anyway...this is great advice...if all of us on this network get it and use it then we can share it with all those on the other networks...it would be great to do business with people who actually know you :)

Private Reply to Dana Neal

Jan 09, 2007 10:21 pmre: When you're tempted to sell.......#

Sheri Johnson
This is great advice, although I sort of already knew this myself, I am sure there are others who don't understand that by blatantly trying to offer "your deal" that you are doing the exact opposite of what connecting is all about.

I wish other online communities were all full of people that know how to make real connections.


Private Reply to Sheri Johnson

Jan 10, 2007 4:13 pmre: re: When you're tempted to sell.......#

Althea Garner


Part of the problem is in those who refer new members to Ryze.

When I think back on my own introduction to Ryze, my perception of this community was very different.

The person who introduced me, is (now that I know him very well, but had only just met him, then) a blatant Spammer - always has been and probably always WILL be!

His words to me went something like: "Have you ever heard of Ryze.com? Well, if you want to advertise for free, this is the place to be!" Naturally, when I joined Ryze, I checked out his posts and used them as my blue-print and wow.... how wrong I was!

He had told me to use the networks to advertise my product everyday - WRONG! He also told me to PM as many people as possible, pitching my product - WRONG! The first thing that happened was that I was blocked by the founder of Ryze, Adrian Scott, within days of joining! This was not a good move!

This network is all about helping others to * NOT * repeat mistakes like these, but like I said, so much depends on the pitch that new members are given before they join and what their perception of Ryze is at that time.

I am so pleased that you joined this network and that you will have the opportunity to learn the right way, thereby creating a solid foundation for yourself and your business.

Also, if you find the advice on this network beneficial, please don't hesitate to recommend it to other members. (It goes without saying that this network needs YOUR input, too ~ anything that you discover could very well be a life saver for someone else!)

To you $UCCE$$!

ALTHEA GARNER (Star Real Estate)

Search over 38,000 homes at my web site: http://www.OCSTAARZ.COM

Remember... I am NEVER too busy for your referrals!

Private Reply to Althea Garner

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