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Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...Views: 1086
Jan 09, 2007 10:16 pmHi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Sheri Johnson
I just got started with trying to figure out how to successfully network on ryze since I have heard so much great stuff about the site.

I look forward to learning more about how to use the site effectively and connect with more business people.


Private Reply to Sheri Johnson

Jan 09, 2007 10:43 pmre: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
Hi Sheri!
Welcome aboard. I'm so glad you joined us.

DeAnna Spencer
DeAnna Spencer's Virtual Assistant Service

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Jan 10, 2007 12:07 amre: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Althea Garner

Hi Sheri and welcome to Ryze!

Welcome also to Networkers First Stop Training where I hope that you will take a little time to go through all the posts, because there IS a mine of information and some great tips for new users, in there.

Feel free to ask your questions. No, we don't mind if the question was just asked yesterday - we are here to help you get off to a good start and to make sure that you find all those neat features!

To your $UCCE$$!

ALTHEA GARNER (Star Real Estate)

Search over 38,000 homes at my web site: http://www.OCSTAARZ.COM

Remember... I am NEVER too busy for your referrals!

Private Reply to Althea Garner

Jan 10, 2007 4:37 amre: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Sheri Johnson
I have been trying to understand what the major advantages of for paying for ryze vs. free membership. I would love some insights. I have been trying to find out about this for some time, but haven't gotten any answers yet.


Private Reply to Sheri Johnson

Jan 10, 2007 2:46 pmre: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Dana Neal
It was my goal last week to upgrade to at least gold...okay I haven't but...if you are a paid member you can see most of the people that want to network with you.....you can view who is online, new pictures, have at least one network of your own. Being a paid member has it's quicks. Believe me it has been a great 4 years as a free member. I have been very active this past year..I really should invest the $10 to be a paid member.

Private Reply to Dana Neal

Jan 10, 2007 3:55 pmre: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Carol Deckert
Hello Sheri,

Welcome to Ryze. This is a great place to make new friends, build relationships and receive business referrals.

I hope to see you on the different forums - participate and tell us more about yourself!

Wishing you all the best,

Carol Deckert
Virtual Marketing Assistant


(717) 394-6453 office
(717) 278-9335 cell
(717) 291-5562 fax

Hire a VA today – make your administrivia tasks go away!

Private Reply to Carol Deckert

Jan 10, 2007 9:18 pmre: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Althea Garner

I look at it this way:

$10 a month.... hmmmm! I spend more than that at Starbucks in a week!

We have a great environment here, chock full of incredible people, most of whom are all well connected. All we need to do is to BUILD those friendships and relationships to tap into the social network.

Realistically, if this is a good environment, and we expect it to grow, how can that happen if there is no money to do it with?

Watch what happens when things go wrong - the ones that bitch the most, are the free members (surprisingly, enough!)

Take a good look at who advertises the most - yup, the free members!

If we all put just a little back into Ryze, I believe that we would stand a much better chance of getting more out of it, but there again, that does depend a lot on how much effort (and the quality of that effort) that we devote to building those relationships.


ALTHEA GARNER ... (Star Real Estate)
Remember... I am NEVER too busy for your referrals!

Private Reply to Althea Garner

Jan 12, 2007 4:16 pmre: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Sheri Johnson
another newbie question here - If you don't know someone's email address, how can you add them as a friend? I am so lost... Thank you


Private Reply to Sheri Johnson

Jan 12, 2007 9:05 pmre: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
You can't. Now, you can send them your email address and request that they add you as a friend.

DeAnna Spencer
DeAnna Spencer's Virtual Assistant Service

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Jan 13, 2007 7:24 amre: re: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Ashok Grover
Hi DeAnna,

Your solution appears to be a bit interesting (!). If you do not know somebody's e-mail address, how can you send your e-mail address to them?

ashok grover

Private Reply to Ashok Grover

Jan 13, 2007 4:44 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Althea Garner

Hi Ashok,

That does sound confusing, doesn't it?

In the absence of a person's e-mail address, you would send them a Private Message through Ryze, asking for permission to add them as a friend (and requesting their e-mail address in order to do so).

Hope that makes things clearer.

ALTHEA GARNER (Star Real Estate)
Business Networking Expert

Search over 38,000 homes at my web site: http://www.OCSTAARZ.COM

Remember... I am NEVER too busy for your referrals!

Private Reply to Althea Garner

Jan 13, 2007 5:57 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
Thanks for clearing that up Althea.
I guess I wasn't clear enough in my instructions.

DeAnna Spencer
DeAnna Spencer's Virtual Assistant Service

Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

Jan 14, 2007 4:27 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Dana Neal
That's okay everybody! In a fast paced world our minds are ahead of our mouths or in this case our fingers. :P

I want to add that if you use this network as your bounce board and "let me ask another question you have probably hear 1000 times" network, it will make it easier to join other networks and participate on them effectively.

Private Reply to Dana Neal

Jan 14, 2007 8:54 pmre: re: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Sheri Johnson
Thank you for sharing this with me. I don't know why I did't think of that. I guess I just thought there was a trick to it. In myspace you don't have to have their email address to add them, so I thought it worked sort of like that.


Private Reply to Sheri Johnson

Jan 14, 2007 10:33 pmre: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Sheri Johnson
Okay, now I have a new question. :)

I tried to send private messages to a few people but it won't let me, so I am guessing you can only do this if you upgrade???

I sent one message and it worked, then the rest don't work.

So people can choose to have a guest book or not have a guest book?

As you can see I am still trying to learn what I can about how ryze works.


Private Reply to Sheri Johnson

Jan 15, 2007 4:32 pmre: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Dana Neal
Some people don't want to go through getting all the e-mails of everyone signing their guest book....so they don't have one or they have it selected somewhere in their set up not to have one...and they don't know it. PM's (private messages) I've learned that some people have a choice to receive them or not...how....that's an Althea or DeAnna question......

Private Reply to Dana Neal

Jan 15, 2007 6:43 pmre: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Joseph L. Rosenberg
The reason you couldn't reach some people by Private Message is not because they closed their guest book or probably even limited their private messages. It is because as a free member you cannot reach everyone on ryze. You can only write to your friends, friends of your friends, or members of the same network as you. So you can write to anyone who is a member of this network. The most recent members of the network are listed at the bottom of the network home page. You can also visit a random member of the group. Some group leaders display a directory of group members. When you visit someone's page you see at the top how you are connected to them. If the connection is more than two people away then you can't reach them, unless you are in the same network. If you can't see a path then you have no connection to an individual. That happens when they have no friends or anyone in your contact sphere. As a free member you can join up to sixty networks.
As for putting your email in a private message, you can also release your email and other contact information to an individual when you visit their page. Make sure you set your connections to receive emails when someone either accepts your offer of friendship or asks you to be your friend. And then SAVE that email. Ryze does not display your friend's email unless they take the step mentioned earlier when they visit your page. Then put that person's contact information in your contact database or in one place where you keep all your email addresses or other information as well.
If you really want to reach someone and they are out of range, then you have to figure out how you can become a friend of one of their friends. Or try to figure out what networks they might be in, based on geography, or interest, and then join that network. Ryze does not allow you to see the networks a member has joined if they have none in common.
Lots of information here, just take it one step at a time.
Joe Rosenberg CPA

Private Reply to Joseph L. Rosenberg

Jan 15, 2007 8:59 pmre: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

John Stephen Veitch
Thank you Joseph for some interesting and accurate information. But as you say, it's a lot to take in at once.

I've just had the delightful experience of visiting Sheri Johnson's page. She has a picture and an interesting script.

A member for 2 months. 86 Homepage hits. 5 Friends. Shari is on 41 networks (If I counted correctly). 13 entries in her guestbook. I really wish every new members page looked like this.

Take note of the dates in the guestbook. They begin less than 10 days ago. Apparently Sheri joined a lot of networks about then. Suddenly she's running, on the 9th January Sheri wrote to this network. Look at the good things that have happened since.

Sheri is doing really well, but you can see from the data above the first month was really SLOW. As Sheri says, "I just got started with trying to figure out how to successfully network on Ryze." Well at least she got started.

The sad thing is that by the time that first month has passed most people have completely forgotten about joining Ryze. It was too confusing, too hard, and too unrewarding. So they give up in the first 3-4 days and seldom or never return.

One of the worst things Ryze does is publish the names of new members FAR TOO SOON. At the bottom of the Ryze homepage 30 newest members are listed. I visited 5 at random. FOUR with zero friends and on zero networks. ONE with a single friend and in zero networks. So there's five in a row, all off to a bad start. For those five, I expect only one will eventually discover networks as Sheri has done. The rest are lost.

Ryze itself is responsible for this problem. The Networkers First Stop network is one of the few ways to help. But look at the membership here. Lots of experience and help, far too few newbies.

Well done Sheri.
Members, when you meet newbies on Ryze, try to get them to join this network.


John Stephen Veitch
Adapt to Experience - http://www.ate.co.nz/
Innovation Network - http://veech-network.ryze.com/
Google me.

Private Reply to John Stephen Veitch

Jan 15, 2007 9:19 pmre: re: re: re: re: Hi, I 'm brand new to ryze...#

Sheri Johnson
Excellent post John! I will definitely do that. And you are right the people I was trying to contact had no friends, networks or guest books, so I was not able to contact them even though I have a definite bond with them in regards to a previous company affiliation.

Great advice in the past few posts. You guys are great!


Private Reply to Sheri Johnson

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