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>>Rejuvenate Yourself for Success<<Views: 228
Apr 09, 2007 7:18 pm >>Rejuvenate Yourself for Success<<

C.F. Jackson
This is an awesome article. I'm sure we all
can use all of these suggestions. I know I
can. Just last month I did parttake in the
last suggestion.

I hope you enjoy it!


It's crucial to take time to recharge your battery
by Laura Laaman

There isn't a businessperson reading this
who doesn't have a stressful job.

Salespeople are paid to deal with rejection. Prospects
say no. Or they say yes, then change their minds.

Managers deal with their own dose of customer and
employee insanity. Customer-service reps are paid
to deal with unhappy customers all day.

And business owners have all that times 10.

In addition, you may have personal stuff draining your
energy. All of that takes its toll and reduces our
effectiveness. From time to time, each one of us
needs our batteries recharged.

Here are some proven strategies that will help you
stay at the top of your game:

*Laughter. If you haven't had a good belly laugh
lately, you don't know what you're missing. I'll bet you
feel a lot better once you have one. Remember: The best
thing to laugh at is yourself.

*Music. Particular kinds of music can make your
heart dance. When you hear that music, you can't help
but sing along.

*Exercise. A simple walk during lunch can help
reduce your stress. For me, it's a three- to five-mile daily
jog. Although I'd much rather be on the couch with a bag
of chips, I'm convinced exercise is a key to staying emotionally
balanced and positively charged. The result is an ability to
handle challenging situations better.

*Fun reading. A friend of mine calls it mind candy --
something to help your mind decompress. Maybe it's a totally
stupid book, a good romance novel or a book on history. This
is separate from your regular industry or professional reading
regime. That is just for you.

*Special time with family or friends. Find time to do
something fun with family or friends. A good example might
be a girls' or guys' night out.

*A special place or special activity. I have two special
activities I struggle to make time for: horseback riding and
time at the ocean. It's tough to take four hours out of my
day to make horseback riding happen and even tougher to
find time to get to the ocean. But both put years back into
my life.

*Extra sleep. One of the first things to go when you're
busy and stressed is proper sleep. Sleep replenishes your body
and your mind. Scheduling sleep, along with a relaxing bedtime
routine, is a key practice of top performers.

*Massage. I was introduced to this tool by a multimillion-
dollar salesperson who had been a professional baseball player.
He typically scheduled himself for two to three massages per

"When I was a professional baseball player," he said, "massage
helped relax and rejuvenate my body. This current career is as
mentally demanding as my previous job was physically demanding,
so now massages help my mind relax and rejuvenate so I can
keep hitting home runs in this business."



The lesson is clear: Taking care of yourself is taking care of
business, and it will help you meet -- and probably surpass --
your goals.

To do that, be sure to make time for:

*Fun reading.
*Special time with family or friends.
*A special place or special activity.
*Extra sleep.

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